Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Is etiquette relevant?

I'm writing an article about the relevance of etiquette. I'd love some thoughts on this. I'm particularly interested in which points you do want to know and which you don't - eg. how to hold a knife vs what to wear at Ascot. How to address a duke vs when to hold a door open for someone.

I can't do a spoiler here on conclusions drawn before the piece comes out but I will be looking back at past postings and responses. So that's a clue. And of course I'll put the article on here and probably elaborate on it when it's done.

If anyone has any good etiquette questions.....please send them in! Either on the comment boxes here or go to


  1. Has the cake fork gone the way of the fish knife in being unspeakably baffled?

  2. I meant naff of course!

  3. That's a good one. The fish knife was once considered very chic, but fell out of favour. I always eat my puddings with a fork - I have an aunt who has been known to eat custard with a fork - and do think, say, a gooey chocolate cake is much less messy eaten that way. So, I do think you should offer guests a small fork for their cake. But wedding cake should be eaten straight off the napkin, held in the palm of your hand, with fingers.

  4. 'Please and cues' - 26th june 2010
    a little dispiriting for one to read the beginning of today's column 'when i was little' in relation to what follows naturally 'now that i am large' but you see for some of is we shall always be little and i feel that although not wishing to hurt perhaps there was a lack of thought as you sought to advise on whether etiquette matters - it does of course and one needs to have a wide awareness when one raises one's head to lead
    James Gibson

  5. What is the correct response when asked "How do you do?"

  6. I am to be a'Father of the Bride ' and just looked at Debretts weddings to see what the toasts should be. Debretts says three, Father of Bride ,Groom and Best Man. The toast of father is to 'Bride and Groom' and best man to the new 'Mr and Mrs', two toasts for the couple, is this correct please ??

  7. rather bizarrley to 'how do you do' one responds er, 'how do you do'
    'tis a ritual but respond incorrectly and oh, doom - never try and be helpful and actually try to explain how one does do - then really into the lower circle


  8. er, are you questioning Debretts

    oh dear, the circle swings wider

